Every year, we must have a special day through which we can communicate or feel the primal and purest form of spirituality. This is the day conventionally known as Halloween. While most modern societies view it superstitiously as some blind branch of paganism, things are actually much different!

If this day is just a form of entertainment for children, why is it followed immediately by the Roman Catholic holiday of the Day of the Dead, All Saints’ Day? Of course, the facts are much different when looked at through the lenses of spirituality and history. Many civilizations, not just the Celtic, to which Samhain is known, have celebrated this day with much deeper meaning than mere frightening by malevolent spiritual forces.

Let’s start with Indian religions that propagated something called the astral plane. Even Albert Einstein was fascinated by the Indian Bhagavad Gita and considered it one of his favorite books. Since these cultures extensively penetrate every aspect of the spiritual, here we will only refer to their concept of observing the morphology of the world that is not visible to us. Like an onion, enlightened Indians would believe that there are others around our world. In each of these worlds, there are different entities. Belief in such a thing is quite akin to any proto-Islamic or proto-Christian belief, and it is even partially modified and accepted in traditional religions. However, only conceptually as much as the masses can comprehend.

Let’s go back to the idea of parallel worlds to ours. The ancient Celts and other pagans believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the doors to all these worlds open, and entities, spiritual beings, and the spirits of the dead have direct access to us. On this day, people would dress in handmade costumes associated with creatures from other worlds (demons, goblins, spirits…) to ward off evil entities that come through the astral tunnel into our world. It was believed that these creatures would refrain from tormenting human souls because they would believe they are entities like themselves. But on this day, it was also about paying respect to the spirits of loved ones on the other side. Rituals were performed for the purpose of allowing the souls of the dead to communicate with those who remained on the other side.

Even today, threads of such a culture remain, but they are described as Halloween and All Saints’ Day. It is important for us to remember that in the same astral plane, alongside the souls of the dead and malevolent entities, there are angelic and fairy energies that are inclined towards goodness and are ready to support us in our needs.

Of course, the construction of such energies is different every year. So we have prepared for you how you can take all the best vibrations for yourself on Samhain. This Samhain is special. It falls in the month when there was also a Friday the 13th. In addition to that, we are witnessing a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse in the same period. This also gives us a perspective on the unfortunate events that worry us all. Therefore, let’s use this Samhain to pray and meditate for what the world needs most now, and that is love. To help us navigate our energy more easily, we will astrologically clarify what is happening in the sky during the period of this year’s Samhain. We are talking about the night of October 31/November 1, 2023.

The energies of Mars and Jupiter are very emphasized on this evening. This tells us that it is understood and experienced that justice and ideals built on moral foundations need to be defended. Once again, we return to the oppositions that were significant during the eclipse and eclipse moments. This opposition is different, not visual! It is felt and leads to a reaction. Mercury clearly dictates that logic and the power of communication are blinded by instinct and impulse that arises from Mars. On this occasion, Mars overlays Mercury in Scorpio, not allowing it to express what is significant for people, which is rationalization, intellect, healthy communication, analysis… Due to the action of Mars, the stable energy of Mercury is blocked. Therefore, we do not have the strength through which we can easily resist injustice. The reason for this is the opposition of Jupiter, which creates a feeling of paralysis and disbelief in what is happening. But, as always! Uranus is the one who saves the day. It forms a trine with Venus, which, in a general sense, directs us to truly feel that only love and coexistence have the spark in them that ignites the change that brings good to everyone. That’s why we all need to meditate on love and peace on the night of Samhain to strengthen this aspect and send an unmistakable message to the Cosmos to bring the best for all those who are suffering, but also for all of us.

In line with these aspects, most of us could be able to summon various good spirits, angelic and fairy entities, and other spiritual forces through meditation and prayers, and they can give us the strength to make things easier. Of course, if we look at the predictive situation in relation to these aspects, real changes in our lives should happen very soon that will individually direct us to understand that only with love and goodness can we initiate the best for all of us. A somewhat easier period is really ahead. But if we also look at the signs that could have a special impact on the situation, these would be primarily Scorpio, whose nature understands such situations and can choose mechanisms to channel instincts well and show where everyone whose intentions are not sincere belongs. After that, Taurus, which will take courage and with its attitude that wants to contribute to abundance for everyone, clearly indicates that only by using kindness can we create a better world. Sagittarius will give a special symbol and, under the pressure of its ruling planet Jupiter, will find the strength to show that it is important to remain strong and initiate change despite all the challenges. This does not mean that the optimistic Sagittarius will not be essentially sad. Remember to be there for your Sagittarius friends and show them affection. They sometimes live on that. Of course, due to the special pressure on Mars, the sign of Aries could contribute to changes and better alignment of the strength of everyone in the right direction with its energy. But just like Sagittarius, exhaustion and sadness could be something they find difficult to bear. Take care of your Aries friends and find a way to make them happy. Otherwise, the cosmic vibration of Samhain will last until November 2.

Aspects active in the sky during Samhain Of course, if you need suggestions or consultations, contact us via email at or on Facebook in a group conversation:

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